Zhengxin Zhang

Zhengxin Zhang

Phd student at Center for Mathematics

Cornell University


I am a final year PhD student in Applied Mathematics at Cornell University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Ziv Goldfeld. My research interests include mathematical theories for machine learning and high dimensional statistics, with a particular focus on optimal transport. My recent focus centers on the Gromov-Wasserstein distance, which is a fascinating interplay between classial optimal transport and metric geometry.

  • Optimal Transport
  • Statistical learning theory
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2019-

    Cornell University

  • BS in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, 2015-2019

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University


MIT-IBM Watson lab Summer Intern
May 2023 – August 2023 Boston
Research project: Gradient flow in probability spaces.


(2024). Gradient Flows and Riemannian Structure in the Gromov-Wasserstein Geometry. arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.11800, submitted to Foundations of Computational Mathematics.

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(2024). Gromov-Wasserstein Distances: Entropic Regularization, Duality, and Sample Complexity. The Annals of Statistics.

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(2022). Cycle consistent probability divergences across different spaces. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.

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(2021). Non-asymptotic performance guarantees for neural estimation of f-divergences. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.

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TA for:
* Fall 2020: ECE 4110 Random Signals in Communications and Signal Processing
* Fall 2021: ECE 4110 COMBINED-XLIST Random Signals in Communications and Signal Processing
* Spring 2022: MATH 4710 Basic Probability
* Fall 2022: MATH 4220/5220 Applied Complex Analysis
* Spring 2023: MATH 4140 Honors Introduction to Analysis II
* Spring 2024: ECE 4200 Fundamentals of Machine Learning